Wednesday, 17 November 2010

a state of action

This week is stirred by seizing the moments that are at hand. Grabbing them and not letting go.

Exhibit A. Mr. L and I have put in great effort to get out of bed by six thirty every day. This may sound normal but for us it is far from. We both like our sleep and historically despise the dawn hours. The early rise payoff has been fantastic. I get to work on time. He gets to work on time. I seize the day with a feeling of peaceful control over the hours in front of me. Bliss! (until that load of files mysteriously lands on my desk…)

Or B, tidying my house. Working 8-5 every day can take a toll on one’s organisation, cleanliness and state of mind. Computer screening for most of the day can leave me feeling sapped. In the midst of such chaos I found a great article on “How to clean your house in 20 minutes a day for 30 days”. I have yet to follow the plan 100%. However, I seize (there’s that word again) little opportunities every day to improve my well being by tidying and cleaning bits of my apartment. Over the long run everything stays organised. A happy home is a tidy home and that makes a very happy Lu! (Apparently my mother has been right all along…grr…mom if you are reading this you can give your self a big smug high five)

Or C: 1 hour average to watch television per nigh. I feel a bit ashamed to admit it but I waste a lot of time watching T.V. Again I think it’s the grim monster of pity that convinces me that I have the right to vege all night because of my oh-so-productive-work-life. Last night I watched two, ½ hour cooking programmes, one of which I thoroughly enjoyed featuring Nigella Lawson. She is soooooo melodramatic! (and her recipes look tasty and quick) Love it. The other, which will remain un-named, I will not repeat next Tuesday. I then turned off (did you see that, if not please re-read) the telly. I got up, walked away, and did something, which last night was surface clean the bedroom. Check, check and double check!
What I am saying here is I seem to be learning something about valuing the moments in front of me. The action involved is glorious.

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