Friday, 23 November 2007

Taking a step back

On Wednesday night, after a quaint bible study at the church we attend a group of us got into a discussion. It was over Philip Pullmans story The Golden Compass. Apparently his writing has several Christians scared, as somewhere along the story line of his Trilogy God is killed. Of course, this led to a very long conversation, to which at the end, I felt quite pleased. My husband, and a few friends shared my view--we didn't see the harm in this next Hollywood blockbuster. We didn't feel it was something we of the Christian faith ought to be fearful of. Thus, I set about the next evening to find out if Philip Pullman was just as harmful as some thought.

My conclusions strongly back up my oringinal thoughts on the film. It is but a story, and, as all stories do, it tells of it's authors thoughts, imaginations, fears, and maybe some of his beliefs. After reading up on Mr. Pullman, I discouvered that he's not trying to deny or prove God, it seems rather that his works in this triology--His Dark Materials--address both the glories and disappointments of growing up. Including disappointment from religion.

I must say that even as a devote Christian I have been disappointed many times. Not always at God, though I have had a few outrageous conversations with him. Rather my disappointment lies with religion, and the people that have, on occassions, tirelessly forced their opinions upon me.

Once again, on Wednesday night, I found myself facing this type of religion. Someone else, warning me because of someone elses interpretation of someone elses work. All of it coming at me from someone else.

Instead I'm taking a step back. I'm going to look at all the angles. I'm going to be open to Philip Pullman and the Golden Compass, and the stories that follow. There may be yet something to learn from an unlikely place; about growing up, wisdom, and religion.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Just beginning

It seems like i'm always just beginning. Today I'm just beginning work. It's 8:25 am and I'm simply here, sitting at my desk waking up. I've got some coffee to my left, and a barking dog to my right. What a day.

Anyway, as I say it seems like I'm just beginning. I've just begun knitting a shrug, sewing a bag, learning a Lisa Loeb tune. I'm just beginning to master my job, and just beginning to actually like New Zealand. I'm just beginning to be confident in my own skin. Yes, I'm just beginning.