Saturday, 28 August 2010

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

Up front I simply want you to know that Buzz de Lu is not a weight loss blog.  However, in the interest of self improvement let me tell you about a little self improvement I've been quite private about.

I started a sub journey a little over a year ago, July 2009.  I joined the world wide  Weight Watchers program. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a true convert! It works. Needless to say my journey on the program hasn't been without hiccups.

After loosing 12 pounds I stopped losing. I gained 5 back and I thought, perhaps I would just be one of those people who has no motivation, eats chips all day and, who will one day be happy as a chubby chic. Fortunately for me I had a light bulb moment: June 2010. Drum roll please....

"I need to change habits."  I could hear my own voice in the back of my head... "motivation won't take you far Lula, you gotta change your strategy"...okay my own voice was really bossy...